The Lab
Here we plan to publish active content and essays related to our topics of study.

Development environments and studying tools.

Essays and proposals
The "Prisioner's Dilemma" is a well-known problem in the study of group evolution and the altruism as a mechanism for surviving.
To obtain more information about this topic it's recommended to read "The Selfish Gene" (Richard Dawkins, 1976) or search for "Prisioner's Dilemma" on the Internet.
On this page
there is more information and even an implementation ported to various Smalltalks.

Other essays, tools, frameworks and studying material.
This is a page devoted to the study of Genetic Algorithms using Squeak.
This is a review essay for the phisical modelling of a factory.
Although it's just a draft, it's interesting for studying the
modelling of a complex system that includes supplies and required
materials for the fabrication of industrial products.
The version for VisualWorks NC 3.x is available for download (it also works in 5i). It's recommended to use it in conjunction with the Measurement Units Framework.
The framework is programmed in spanish, if you want it in english,
just ask for it and we'll do our best effort to translate it as soon as possible.
This framework allows to [expresar] phisiochemical magnitudes in standard measurement units.
It pretends to fulfill the needed requisites to satisfy the
International System of Units requirements and also a simple, flexible architecture, that
can be extended at low-cost.
The version for VisualWorks NC 3.x
is available for download (it also works in 5i).
The framework is programmed in spanish, if you want it in
english, just ask for it and we'll do our best effort to translate
it as soon as possible.
This is an implementation of a rendering native interface
(for VisualSmalltalk 3.12 running on Windows) for DOOM-like games.
It can be used as a device for displaying high quality and performance
3D virtual spaces, of simple programming.
It's easy to add actors with Smalltalk programmed behavior.
Every element of the space can be dinamically modified from
Smalltalk, and the changes happen instantly.
It is a demostration (with sources) of a product built during 1991 (6 month) by ObjectStyle.
It is a collaborative tool for learning to repair locomotive engines.
Atencion: La simulación solo funciona en modo de video de 256 colores debido a la técnica de animación utilizada.
A home made tool for building books from scanned pages. It has two programs: One writter in VisualSmalltalk 3.12 (requires VisualSmalltalk and ARSLLs) for aeasy and fast scanning and building books using Twain compatible scanners/devices (or for building digital photograph albums) Another program writter in Smalltalk/V to build stamps from scanned pages used by the first program to build indices with small stamp images.
A complete implementation of a product realized by Object Style during 1993-95.
A tool for building high quality maps a a low cost, supporting multimedial object layers and streets (see Map of Buenos Aires).
All the sources are included.
If you need more information please send an email to info@here